Tuesday, 5 April 2016

Surprising Relationship Advice From Divorce Lawyers

divorce relationship advice forbes
Who better to offer marriage advice than those who contend with the end of it, every singe day? Read on for relationship wisdom bombs from 15 divorce professionals who collectively share hundreds of years of experience helping couples end their marriages.

“Be true to yourself. If deep-down you really want kids, don’t tell yourself it will be enough to be a stepmom. You will ultimately resent your spouse, and it will come out in passive-aggressive ways. If you really want someone who won’t come home until 10 p.m. because he’s out hustling and making a lot of money — don’t marry a blue-collar guy, because you won’t be happy. Don’t think you can change the other person. You can’t.”   — Alyssa Eisner, Sager Gellerman Eisner, New York City. 

“Be judicious with social media. Healthy relationships require spending time together in real life, and social media can be a hazardous distraction. Broadcasting the details (good or bad) of your relationship is a recipe for disaster.” —Zephyr Hill, Goldberg Jones in San Diego, CA

“Synchronize. Avoid most arguments by making it more difficult, if not impossible, to forget things by using synchronized lists, calendaring apps, and the like. Synchronize financial information so spouses can keep track of combined income and expenses, avoid bouncing checks from joint accounts, and hopefully eliminate financial ‘surprises’ that can create marital conflict.” –  Mark Baer, Pasadena, Calif.

“Sex and intimacy are key parts of your marriage that can get lost  – especially once you have kids. Put the sweatpants down and the lipstick on, because you need to make the effort for your spouse, even if you don’t always feel like it.”  – Morghan Richardson, Richardson Legal, New York City   

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