1. Cervical mucus
Cervical mucus, also know as cervical fluid (CF) is a perfectly natural and normal substance that is produced by glands in your cervix which is released into the vagina. It acts as both a barrier and a transport for sperm (depending on the phase in the cycle). It's made of about 93% water, reaching 98% mid cycle, and contains electrolytes, glucose and proteins.
During each cycle your cervical mucus goes through a pattern of changes under the influence of hormones.
- Menstruation: During your period you will not notice any cervical fluid.
- None or Dry: After your period, you may not notice any CF or you may notice a flaky, dry CF.
- Sticky: After these dry days, rising hormone levels cause your cervix to produce a sticky type of CF.
- Creamy: As you enter your fertile window, your hormones rise the water content in CF and it becomes creamy.
- Eggwhite: At peak fertility, your CF should resemble raw egg white in consistency. Using a finger and thumb you should be able to stretch it more than an inch. This is really fertile CF, it provides the best environment for sperm.
- Watery: At ovulation your CF may become more watery and reach its maximum in quantity and then it will start to become sticky again and dry up until your next period.
The best way to check the consistency of cervical mucus is with your fingers, try to stretch your cervical mucus between your finger and thumb. We asked 9,812 women how they check their cervical mucus.
2. Cervix changes
The cervix plays a big role in the female reproductive system. Your cervix connects your vagina to your uterus and acts as a barrier which opens to allow sperm to enter your uterus when you're fertile and stays closed at other times.
You can learn when you're approaching ovulation by identifying the changes your cervix goes through.
We asked 9,823 women who were actively trying to conceive, if they were checking their cervix to learn when they were ovulating. Most said they didn't know how.
Your cervix position, opening and texture changes during the fertile phase of your cycle. These changes can be observed by feeling your cervix. The changes are easy to learn, but should be observed over a few cycles to ensure you are confident in identifying the changes.
Before fertile phase
Before your fertile phase your cervix will feel hard (like the tip of your nose), lower in the vagina, closed and dry (cervical fluid has dried up).
Fertile phase
As you enter your fertile window and approach ovulation your cervix will change. It will feel softer (like your lips), higher, open and wet (due to the presence of cervical fluid). This is known as 'SHOW' (soft, high, open, wet).
After fertile phase
After ovulation the cervix reverts back to its infertile position. You are most fertile when your cervix is in the 'SHOW' state.
3. Basal Body Temperature (BBT)
Your BBT is your lowest temperature at rest, usually when you are sleeping.
Tracking your BBT is one of the best ways to detect if and when you ovulated.
After ovulation, high levels of progesterone will cause your BBT to rise slightly and stay elevated until the end of your cycle (cycle days 15-20 in the events table). This natural fertility sign occurs after ovulation, so whilst you can't use it to help you this cycle, you can use it to help predict when you're fertile in future cycles.
The rise is only about 0.5 degress F to 1.0 degrees F so you need to take your BBT with a digital thermometer that can measure to one tenth of a degree.

View detailed instructions on how to monitor your BBT, or see the overview below.
Starting from the first day of your period take your temperature each morning at the same time, as soon as you wake. It's important to take your temperature before it naturally increases from movements, so it's a good idea to set an alarm and take it before even sitting up in bed.
Take your temperature in your mouth by inserting the tip of the thermometer under your tongue and push it toward the back where the tongue meets the bottom of the mouth. Leave it in there long enough to get an accurate reading.
Do this each day and record the temperatures on a chart (there is one below you can download for free) or add them to your daily log in Ovulation Calculator. You will notice the temperature shifts and it stays higher until the end of your cycle. The shift happens about one to two days after ovulation.
4. Saliva ferning
A ferning pattern of your saliva is another possible sign of when ovulation is about to occur. There are special microscopes for this purpose, but you could technically use a toy microscope. A ferning pattern is a pattern that looks like frost on a windowpane. The ferning pattern appears during the LH surge (cycle days 13-24 in the events table), which occurs about 24-36 hours before ovulation.
5. LH levels in urine
Although not a natural sign of fertility without the aid of a ovulation prediction kit (OPK), this is popular way for women to find out when they are about to ovulate.
There are two types of kit available, those that check urine, and those that check saliva. We have mentioned the saliva type above.
Urine based OPKs look for the LH surge (cycle days 13-14 in the events table). The LH surge happens about 24-36 before ovulation, so they can be a good indicator to when you're fertile.

How to use an OPK correctly
As mentioned, OPKs look for this surge in LH and will show a positive result when this surge is detected. A positive result is expected the day before you are going to ovulate. However, unlike pregnancy tests that are looking for a hormone that is ONLY released AFTER conception, traces of LH are in your urine all the time. For this reason it's important you follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully.
Most OPKs will advise that you do not urinate for at least 4 hours before testing. This is to ensure that the hormone level in your urine is concentrated enough. And you should use the test the same time each day for consistency. Many women find that first thing in the morning is convenient. But check the instructions carefully to see what the manufacture recommends.
You are looking for the first positive result, so you need to begin testing before you expect to be fertile and then test every day until you get the first positive result. This is to ensure you do not miss the surge. If you test too late you may have missed the surge, but not only that, you may not be able to tell if you are about to ovulate or if you have already ovulated as you can have an increase in LH in both cases.
Again, it is important that you begin testing until you get the FIRST positive result. You then know that you should be ovulating in about 24-36 hours.
6. Slight spotting
Some women may experience slight spotting due to a drop of estrogen at the time of ovulation. The drop in estrogen causes the endometrium (uterus lining) to decrease a little, causing slight spotting known as ovulation bleeding. Learn more about spotting due to ovulation.
7. Increased sexual desire
Several studies have found that women experience an increase in sexual desire when they are most fertile, around the time of ovulation.
8. Heightened senses
Hormone levels in a woman's body can influence a heightened sense of smell, taste or vision around ovulation time.
9. Ovulation pain
Some women can experience a sensation and or cramping type pain during ovulation. The pain is felt in the lower abdomen, on one side, being the side of the ovary releasing an egg. This pain is called mittelschmerz, which comes from the German words for "middle" and "pain."
See the image below to see the follicle rupturing and releasing it's egg at ovulation.

10. Abdominal bloating
Another sign of ovulation is slight bloating. You may feel slightly bloated in the abdomen around the time of ovulation. This symptom can be caused by increased water retention due to a rise in the hormone estrogen.
11. Breast tenderness
Some women experience tenderness in their breasts just before or after ovulation. This is related to the hormones in your body, getting ready for ovulation and the potential of pregnancy.
12. Nausea or headaches
Some women feel nauseous or have headaches before ovulation, due to being sensitive to hormone changes.
Knowing when you're most fertile from your ovulation signs can increase your chances of getting pregnant sooner.
With a little bit of practice you'll get to know the pattern of events that happen each cycle and be able to pinpoint when you're ovulating.
The best time to have intercourse is in the three days leading up to, and including ovulation day.
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