She did this few minutes ago, on her Instagram page with a meme photo and words below:

"Now I am going to address this one time and that is it.... I got married to a man who was legally divorced for 4 years (fact).. I didn't know who is family was as I wasn't that sort of girl that read the news paper 🙈. Age was nothing but a number to me and yes I truly was in luv ( it was my choice) . Ever since I got married it has been one story or the other and I have been extremely quiet and tolerant irrespective of the negative reputation it brought to my name ( the price I had to pay). I never expected a perfect man and I for one knew that all men cheat ( in the real world) but there are limits to everything . I took a lot because I believe when you truly luv someone you should luv their flaws first before their beautiful side. I truly luv my husband , he added so much value to my life . Nothing in life comes easy sometimes we go through fire and storms to mould us into what God has truly destined us to be. One would think I lost a lot but no I gained more, marriage they say is the best institution of life and certainly I could rate mine as Harvard of marriage.. Every single storm I went through only made me see a strength in me I never new I had. It thought me to forgive before being hurt, to luv unconditionally, to accept one's flaws knowing I ain't perfect either , to be patient, hardworking , prudent and extremely prayerful ... It certainly made me see the beautiful side of me and made me work on my bad sides. Marriage is not about changing the other it's about finding urself and working on your own flaws. Only once have I confronted a mistress and this is because she sent people to treathen me and kept calling my phone late at night telling me to stay away from my own husband 😏. Well I have fought a good fight to sustain my home and I know I gave it my best shot .. Even though it is not in my nature to give up but sometimes you just have to let go and pray for the best. Everyone in life is fighting a demon some are lucky enough to have the grace to resist it. This is my family and I will never condemn him .. While you throw stones at him and call him names mk sure you have no skeletons in ur cupboard. No one has the right to judge."
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