Monday, 4 April 2016

Ladies: How to Calculate your Menstrual Cycle & Ovulation

Menstrual cycle: The monthly cycle of changes in the ovaries and the lining of the uterus (endometrium), starting with the preparation of an egg for fertilization. It is not the same as period length, which is the number of days your period lasts. The day your period starts is considered Cycle Day(CD) 1 -- the start of a new menstrual cycle.

Ovulation happens about two weeks before the next expected period. So if your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14.

Work out the length of your average menstrual cycle. Day one is the first day of the menstrual period and the last day is the day before the next period begins. So if your average menstrual cycle is 28 days, you ovulate around day 14. 

The textbook average for a woman's menstrual cycle length is 28 days, and for period length, 3 to 5 days. Clearly, many of us know firsthand that these textbook stats don't always (or even ever) reflect our unique cycles! Though some of us (OB/Gyns estimate 10%) do have 28 cycles, and regularly, the rest of us have menstrual cycles that are shorter or longer, and can vary by a few days every month.
To calculate menstrual cycle length, you count the number of days from day one of your period (CD 1) up to, and including, the day before the next period starts.
The count does not include the first day of the next menstrual period, because that's Cycle Day 1 of the next cycle.

Here are easy further detailed steps: 

Step 1: Write down the first day that you bleed.
period calendar

Step 2: Write down any PMS symptoms, how long you bled for, and what your flow was like.
By keeping track of any PMS symptoms, we can use them to predict when our next period is! 

Keeping track of how long you bled and whether your flow was heavy, normal, or light. will help us prepare for our period. This way you know how many and what type of pads/tampons to bring with you. 

Sometimes it may not be crystal clear how many days you bled for because maybe you bled very lightly or spotted for the last couple days and aren’t sure which days to count. This is okay. It’s not important that you know exactly how many days you bled for. Just try to get a general idea of how long you bleed for. 

I bled for 5 days. The first couple days were heavy and then became lighter. Leading up to my period, I had lower back aches and some cramps. During my period, I experienced cramps again and felt moody

What are some PMS symptoms?
Before your period begins, hormonal changes in your body may cause other symptoms known as PMS or pre-menstrual syndrome. You can use these symptoms in addition to keeping track on your calendar to help you figure out when your period is coming.

Some of these symptoms may include:
  • Feeling moody or irritable
  • Lower back ache
  • Sore breasts
  • Cramps in lower part of your tummy
  • Ache along your inner thighs
  • Breaking out in acne
  • Headache
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Feeling bloated
  • Changes in appetite
You may not experience all of these symptoms or any of these symptoms at all. Every girl experiences a different set of symptoms.
period calendar
Step 3: Write down the first day of your NEXT period
period calendar-3
Step 4: Count the days!
How long is my period cycle? Help me count the days!
Count the days starting at first day you bled to the day before your next period.
period calendar

Did you get 28 days?

Step 5: Predict your next period.
Now that we know how long your period cycle is, we can just use it to count the days to predict your next period. 
period calendar
So I should expect my period to come on... March 10!
Will my period always come on time?
No, your menstrual cycle may not always come on time. The length of your menstrual cycle may vary from cycle to cycle. As you get older, the length of your menstrual cycle may even change. 

Sometimes your period may be late and sometimes it maybe early. This is especially true during your first couple years of having your period. As you become older and more familiar with your body, you will develop a better understanding of when your period will come. 

Starting your period is a huge step and this can take some getting used to for your body. You may find that your period is sometimes a day or two late or early or sometimes you may even miss a period all together. This is completely normal. (For those that are sexually active, keep in mind that a missed period may be an indicator that you are pregnant.)

Don't worry! We can also use PMS symptoms to predict when our period will come.
As you become more familiar with your period, you will notice that you experience the same PMS symptoms leading up to your period. 

If my period comes on time like I predicted, I should expect to feel these symptoms at around the same time again. 

If I experience these symptoms earlier than I predicted, then I can predict that my period will come early. 

If my period is late then I may expect to feel these symptoms later and expect my period soon after.

If you keep track of your period by counting the days and keep track of your symptoms, then you can use both to better predict and prepare for your period!

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